Thursday, 14 November 2013

Train Your Dog To Sit Like You

The trick of "sitting" easily taught to small dogs, but should try not being included in a large teaching dog, because it is difficult for them to keep their balance.

The training is one of the first tricks to teach and forms the basis for many other dog tricks. To train to sit, prepare a few dog treats as a reward, and put your dog on her hips in a corner he cannot fall back or side and lost little or no room to compensate.

Hold "sit”. Him pitching forward saying they have a hand under her chin and with the other hand , treatment of the nose and repeat clearly and consciously , to sit too long at times, but often repeat the lesson and often rewarded with lavish praise and treats.

In his first lesson that requires considerable assistance from hand to prevent pitching forward. However, if he gets control of the balancing muscles and understands what you want, it becomes less dependent on your hand for him. You can help less , until you fall instead of two or three inches from his neck or chin , to be able to prevent the front are kept in hand ready later this shoot completely hand and the handle just above the head .

He will sit through constant practice and after set; it must place against the wall, making it a support only his back, and after having trained in this area. In addition, easily transfer his position to keep training against the chair legs, cushions, or other items that offer less support him until he learns to keep his balance and continues without support.

During these hours, the words in your head “sitting " impressed by the frequent repetition , and now comes the last lesson to learn from him to sit when he hears the words , and chances are if he drilled with diligence. It still no call in space, let him a treat , keep a reasonable distance from the floor , say " sit" and this is what he will do if receive treatment while remaining in position .
The only concern for perfection is to practice several times a day until he found on the ground and without a given reward after he has may obeyed, will sit.

You now have a basis for many other tricks. He taught May; on becoming, ask your hand up and down, just before his feet, he moves with you. It can also accommodate taught a leg on the side of his head, or keep in his mouth, a wooden pipe, or wear a hat on the head and other clothing.

Learn a dog to submit to be dressed, do not try to wear all the time, too much to try it first with him a cap and after it used to lure you into a jacket and it is acclimate to the other clothes. To learn to enjoy your dog "sit" case and especially have fun doing it!

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